La Campionessa Tove Alexandersson al MOC2020

30 Jan 2020 - Elite Team, Eventi Sportivi, News, News, PWT Italia

Tove Alexandersson was recently nomined the as “Swedish Athlete of the Year 2020”,  thanks to an impressive palmares including several World and European Orienteering Championships titles, World Cup wins, as well as a Skyrunning gold medal at the World Championships.

Ph. Ronnols

We are honored to accnounce that the Swedish Champion will be with us during the MOC Week, together with the whole Swedish National Team.

Ph. Ronnols

Tove will be competing already at MOC Weekend 14th-15th March (Celenza Valfortore, Roseto Valfortore, Motta Montecorvino e Pietramontecorvino), then at MOC Camp 16th-19th March (Ginosa, Castellaneta, Montescaglioso e Rotondella), and at the XVI^Edition of MOC Championships 20th-22nd March (Montalbano Jonico, Policoro, Francavilla in Sinni, Tursi e Matera).

PWT Italia Press Office