
18 feb 2022
MOC 2022 – World’s top orienteering fighting for the Championship. Fosser, Michiels, Hubmann, Hadorn, Glibov & Scalet among the men Elite Janosikova, Aebersold, Vinogradova, Benjaminsen & Kalinina among the Women

MOC 2022 – World’s top orienteering fighting for the Championship. Fosser, Michiels, Hubmann, Hadorn, Glibov & Scalet among the men Elite Janosikova, Aebersold, Vinogradova, Benjaminsen & Kalinina among the Women   Last international entry deadline is on the 28th February. Don’t miss the chance to run with the top. The countdown for the 2022 Mediterranean […]

13 feb 2022
WMOC 2022 sostenibile con Ferrovie del Gargano Bus service dagli aeroporti italiani al terminal di Vieste    Shuttle bus sia per il trasporto alle gare, sia dalle strutture ricettive al bus terminal

WMOC 2022 sostenibile con Ferrovie del Gargano Bus service dagli aeroporti italiani al terminal di Vieste    Shuttle bus sia per il trasporto alle gare, sia dalle strutture ricettive al bus terminal Incentivare la crescita del binomio sport e turismo ma nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Questo uno degli obiettivi imprescindibili del Comitato Organizzatore dei Mondiali Master […]

11 feb 2022
MOC 2022, ad Alberobello una tavola rotonda sull’orienteering

MOC 2022, ad Alberobello una tavola rotonda sull’orienteering Procede senza sosta l’iter organizzativo per la XVII^ edizione del MOC Mediterranean Open Championship Orienteering, competizione valida come 1^ Coppa Italia 2022 di corsa orientamento, che si svolgerà nel primo pomeriggio di sabato 19 marzo tra le vie di Alberobello. Venerdì 4 febbraio nella capitale dei Trulli si è tenuta […]

8 feb 2022
Traveling to Italy is now even easier! Booster Green Pass has now unlimited validity and allows to move freely everywhere!

Traveling to Italy is now even easier! Booster Green Pass has now unlimited validity and allows to move freely everywhere! Check out the rules to enjoy orienteering in Italy now. Since the beginning of this month, Italian government, eased the rules to visit Italy. To hep with the visa request process to participate to MOC, […]

2 feb 2022
PWT Italia Kick-Off 2022 al Domina Coral Bay di Sharm el-Sheik

Kick-off training camp at Sharm el-sheik ́s Domina Coral Bay The PWT Team just returned from sunny and warm Domina Coral Bay in Sharm el-sheik (Sinai Peninsula, Egypt) This place offered perfect conditions for spending here the Kick-off week. The main focus was obviously on orienteering, but the body was also stimulated with other activities, […]

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